Monday, May 31, 2010

Presearch, Research and Stress!

I have to be honest here, considering my blog title is Anecdotes of Truth. When I hear about a research paper assignment we have to do, I cringe to myself because I know exactly what comes next...presearch, research, and lots of stress.

Typically, one usually chooses a topic for their assignment that is easy to research, find plenty of juicy information on and essentially will be fun to write about. The paper that I'm planning on revising is definitely fun to write about, however finding information about it wasn't as simple as I perceived it to be. Books were easy to find through the library media resources website, but those scholarly sources were pretty killer. It was slightly difficult to find exactly what I wanted, because JSTOR is not a mind reader and typing in "food and gender" brought about more sources that I could possibly go through in time to finish this paper. The sources I did find, however, seem that they will provide sufficient support of my thoughts and ideas in my paper. Hopefully, all goes as originally planned.

Good luck on your papers everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Eleanor, I'm pretty sure you did great on your research paper! Haha and I like that you mentioned the reason your being honest is because your blog is titled Anecdotes of Truth. I wonder if we used any of the same sources because I wrote about gender and food= dominance.
